Monday, February 15, 2021

Three Major Plans, Which By Their Implementation, We Can Change the Course of This Planet in A Very Positive & Progressive Manner And Accordingly Create A Better World For Millions of People in Various Parts of the World.

In the next 15-20 years and beyond, our world will face massive challenges. Some challenges that will drag the entire world into a total chaos, instability, insecurity and conflict in every possible term. Among these challenges, A- Rapid & extreme climate changes, environmental degradation and occurrence of various natural disasters, B- The full development of new sources of cleaner energy (E.g. Nuclear Fusion Method), and C- The full development and involvement of Automation, 3D Printers and Artificial Intelligence in various job sectors, could be mentioned. 

The combination of these three massive events, their effects and side effects will undoubtedly drag the entire world into a total chaos in every possible social, cultural, environmental, economic and political term at national, regional and global level. To deal with these challenges and to some extent minimize the negative effects of these horrific events, i have worked on some projects throughout the past couple of years. 

The result of my effort are three major plans as follows: A- A Plan for denuclearization of North Korea and Korean Peninsula (A Regional Plan), B- A multi-phase Plan for the Middle East (Expandable to Africa too) and C- An Environmental Plan (At Global Level). These plans along with some necessary changes, reforms, adjustments in some other areas (E.g. in our International Institutions, conventions, laws & regulations) could be understood as the Basic Foundation for A New World System. 

The combination of these plans and their implementation will create a safer, better, cleaner and more secure and stable world and accordingly will change the course of history for hundreds of millions of people (if not billions) in a very profound, positive and sustainable manner. 

Considering many factors, including the victory of President Biden in the recent election, the total chaos in our current world, extraordinary need for many positive changes at national, regional and global level all around the world including in our international institutions and timing factor, i strongly believe this is the best historical moment for taking initiative for these three plans briefly mentioned above. 

As an impartial & fully independent analyst, i'm ready to share my plans and vision with any reliable state, institution, organization or even an individual, who support me in introducing and implementation of any of these projects. In advance, any kind of support and assistance in this regard will be greatly appreciated.  

M. Sirani             15.02.2021