Saturday, October 19, 2013

The Chance that Iran Signs The Additional Protocol, Is Very Low.

So far, Iran has managed to save Asad's regime by diverting the mind of the international community from a military strike on Syria into its powerful bargaining chip: the nuclear negotiation. From now on, Iran would try to preserve its nuclear activity without any additional economic sanction. In this respect, the nuclear negotiation facilitates the best opportunity for Iran. By using this negotiation, so far, Iran has been able to save itself from new economic sanction. This is exactly, what Iran needs at the present time; buying the necessary time for its secret nuclear activity. Iran would probably continue with this game in the close future. The chance that Iran would sign the additional protocol during this period of time (nearly one year) is very low or I might say is almost impossible. Because during the past years, Iran has learned to bypass the sanctions; Iran has learned to adapt itself with current sanctions.

M. Sirani                                               19.10.2013       

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