Wednesday, August 2, 2017

Just Remember This: Anytime the Trump Administration Takes A Tough Stand or Decides to Impose Any Sanction on Iran, Something "Bad" Would Happen to Either Karoobi or Mousavi or Rouhani (Good Cop-Bad Cop Policy).


Anytime the Trump Administration Takes A Tough Stand or Decides to Impose Any Sanction on Iran, Something "Bad" Would Happen to Either Karoobi, Mousavi, Rouhani or some other so-called "Reformist Figures" (Good Cop). Since couple days ago, we understood that the Senate has approved a series of sanctions against Iran, Russia & North Korea. Let see what has happened in Iran. Just a few examples:

1- Mr. Freydoon the brother of president Rouhani was arrested and was in jail for one night.
2- M. Karrobi was hospitalized due to probably hearth problem.
3- Today, the children of M. H. Mousavi state that the health condition of their father has been deteriorated since last night.

 The combination of these external and internal events show one thing: Good Cop & Bad Cop policy of Iranian Regime and the naivety of some western politicians and pundits, who after nearly 40 years would be misleading by the Iranian Regime again & again by the same good cop & bad cop policy.

M. Sirani                        02.08.2017 

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