Thursday, September 21, 2017

The Kurdish Referendum In Iraq Means the Starting Point For a Long Term Multidimensional Conflicts in Iraq & Probably in Syria As Well.


This event will unify the four political systems in Iran, Iraq, Syria & Turkey against all Kurds in the region. In other words, someone like President Erdogan will shake hand to his former enemy Bashar Assad to crush the Kurds. This event might highly likely force Turkey to deploy more troops to Iraq & Syria; a type of military invasion, depends on the scale of tension; if it is needed. This event, in addition, will empower the position of Iran & Russia and on the contrary will weaken the position of NATO in the region. Simply, because it will increase the level of cooperation between Turkey and the East.

Note: Iraq & probably Syria will highly likely become clear examples of  "Hobbesian Society: The war of all against all"; a multidimensional conflict. 

M. Sirani             21.09.2017

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