Thursday, December 22, 2022

FOR THE RECORD: Twitter Support Canceled the 2 Step Verification option in my Acount. Now, i have access to my Twitter account ( The List of Irregular (Highly Likely Dirty, Unlawful and Illigitimate) Activities Around My Twitter Accounts Beyond My Control in the past Few Years).

 P.S. In the past couple of months and years (Almost more than 2 years ago onward, i can say), i have had a series of issues regarding my Twitter account and Twitter. Here below are briefly the list of a few of those issues.

A- The existence of dirty (Sex related) Twitter accounts in my list of "Who to Follow- Suggested for you", which above all of them were written "@MSirani Follows"; which i didn't. I had absolutely no connection whatsoever with those dirty accounts in the entire my Twitter life or outside of Twitter. 

B- There have been times that i wrote a text and when i pushed the enter botton to share it on my Twitter page, the entire my text vanished from the main page of twitter. It seemed my text went go away and published in an unknown and invisible Twitter page somewhere else. I had to type my text again and share it again.

C- It has been a time that when i wanted to log out of Twitter, i received a message from Twitter saying "You are not allowed to log out" (Something like this message) and i had to wait for nearly one minute, in order to log out of my Twitter account.

D- My Twitter account @MSirani was under "visibility Filtering". My friends and relatives couldn't find my account.

E- Based on the numbers of those who read my Tweets, i can say my twitter account was under shadow banning too & STILL MIGHT BE.

F- Recieving "Error Messages" that someone from Bærum (A place in Norway close to Oslo), has logged into my account (Se pic below). P.S. I don't live in Bærum or a place close to Bærum. In the entire my life in Norway, i haven't been in this place; nor did i pass through this place.   

G- And recently, i didn't have access to my account for nearly 20 days. Following the approval of 2 step verification mode, i didn't receive any SMS in my cellphone and accordingly, i couldn't have access to my account until today.

@Jack, @Twitter Support and recently @Elon Musk have received my complaints in these areas multiple times. Through a few tweets, i have asked Twitter Support and Elon Musk to perform a full investigation around my Twitter account and have given him full permission -authority to publicly and openly release any wrong doing around my account on Twitter. 

Whether the new management of Twitter would do such an investigation or not (Which i hope they would do that), is unknown to me. But considering these examples noted above, i'm 100% sure there have been many illegal, illigitimate and unlawful activities behind the scene around my account @MSirani without my knowledge or approval. The main questions are: Who were (are) those actors? and Why my account? 

Here below is the pics of a few of those Twitter accounts, which according to Twitter, pretended that i followed them, which in reality i didn't and login erorr messages i received from Twitter. In the top of the list, you would notice the ID "Liz" (Sex related user account). There have been days that i have counted 6-7 sex related user accounts in my list of "Who to follow". As i said and say it again, i haven't had any connection whatsoever with those types of dirty accounts. In other pics (Erorr messsages), Twitter informed me login from Bærum, which i don't live there, nor have i been there at all. 


M. Sirani                                   22.12.2022

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