Thursday, October 26, 2017

The Primary Goals of Iran & Iraqi Gov in Kurdistan.

Briefly: By a single miscalculated move, Barzani destroyed what the Kurds had achieved throughout some decades struggle. There is some probability that Barzani would flee to either Israel or one of the western countries. Iran & Iraqi Gov would no let him to have a pleasant future in Iraq. 

It seems Iraqi Gov & Iran are currently pursuing three goals in Iraqi Kurdistan. These goals are:

A- Removing Barzani from the power & replacing him with a trustworthy person. In this respect, Talibani's son has a good chance.

B- Paralyzing economic Independence of Iraqi Kurdistan. Iraqi Gov & Iran would try to recapture the control of all oil & gas fields in Kurdistan & put an end to couple of years dispute between Iraqi central government and Kurdish authority.

C- Recapturing the border lines between Iraqi Kurdistan & Syria- Turkey in order to:  A- impose an idea that Iraqi Kurdistan is located within Iraq; it is an inseparable part of Iraq territory & B- Have full control about import & export to & from Kurdistan.

This policy would be applied to Kurdistan area in Syria as well; maybe not now, but it will be. In this respect, the four states of Iran, Iraq, Syria & Turkey would coordinate & cooperate with each other perfectly.

Note: The U.S. plan that Syrian Kurds would capture oil field in Syria; using its income; consequently weakening Assad's regime; etc etc, will hit the wall.

As i have repeatedly said this before: The U.S. plan to create a semi-federalism political system in Syria (Kurds in North, Shiite people in the Middle along with Assad's supporters & Sunnis in the South/ Weakening Assad's regime/ Creating safe/buffer-zone in the South of Syria for Israel, etc etc-  Kissinger's proposal) does not work in Syria based on many reasons. In addition, Iran would not allow such a plan would be implemented.

M. Sirani              26.10.2017

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