Monday, July 9, 2018

The Plans of All State-Actors Involved in the Various Conflicts Across the Entire Middle East, Without Any Exception, Will Hit the Wall Somewhere in the Future. Let Me Use My Expertise & Extraordinary Talent in Conflict Resolution to Ease the Tension, Solve Some of these Conflicts & Prevent Further Disaster.


The plans of the USA, Israel, Arab States, Iran & Russia with regards to various tensions & conflicts across the entire Middle East will hit the wall without any exception. This includes the two ongoing peace plans of the UN for Syria and Yemen as well. The only results of these ongoing conflicts would be more death, destruction, more refugees, displaced people and broader battlefield & nothing else.
Hereby this short note, i ask the international community to let me use my expertise and extraordinary talent in Conflict Resolution and ease the tension, solve some of the current conflicts and prevent further death, destruction and disastrous events for the entire Middle East and some parts of Africa. Let me use my EXTRAORDINARY TALENT and save the life of hundreds of thousands innocent people; before it's too late and we have reached the devastating point of no return in this regard.

M. Sirani                   09.07.2018

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