Monday, July 15, 2024

The Timeline on My X (Twitter Page) Displays Posts Belonged to Couple of Hours Ago With Limited Portion. As It Appears Some "Landlords" Are Worried That Updated News Might Encourage Me to Express My Opinion; Something Against Their Wish, Will, Opinion or Way of Thinking.

The Overall Freedom of All Citizens of This Planet Including Freedom of Expression Should Be Respected, Preserved and Protected By All Including Some TECH Landlord/s on X(Twitter) or anywhere in internet, Who cause These types of Childish & Petty Errors.  

P.S. This is not something new to me. I have been the target of physical, psychological & cyber warfares-threats including this one vaged by the Iranian Regime and some other states & state-sponsored actors in most part of the entire my life. From such unlawful & illegitimate warfares, i humbly conclude that:

In the minds & eyes of some, i'm a very powerful figure in a way that my simple comments, critics & posts on a place like X platform, scare them. As such, some try to censor, marginalize and isolate me.

Petty dictators react in similar petty manners everywhere, whether in Iran or on a social media platform like X (Twitter) or anywhere else in internet. 

M. Sirani                        15.07.2024

Sunday, July 14, 2024

The Posts on my X (Twitter) Page Are Mostly Related to Couple of Hours Ago (6, 8, 12). Freedom of Flow of Information Has Frozen on my X Page By Some Invisible Hands (Posted This Sentence at 13: 15 Norwegian Time Zone.


Nearly 1 hour or 45 minutes before the assassination of former president Trump, my main twitter page was almost frozen. For nearly 45 minutes & 1 hour,  i had no new post on my page. I wrote a few critical messages in this regard & posted on X (Twitter: @MSirani). Was that a coincidence or something else?

And today, i just observe messages belonged to 6, 8, 12 hours ago and prior messages belonged to 2023, 2022, 2021 & alike.

What is going on? Who or which entity-ies block the free flow of information? Who or which entity-ies would try to force me to leave X (Twitter) by such childish & pety behavior? Why are they scared? Do i have something they don\t want me to share it with public? Do i know something they fear i might share it with public & for such a reason they use all the tools at their disposal to marginalize and isolate me? & many other questions.

I went through hell in the past 12-13 years, because of my critical views and standing against governmental abuse of power; i became target for multiple states and state sponsored actors including the Iranian regime ones; survived an orchestrated assassination on January, 2016 , etc etc. 

No matter what, i stand by my principles; i defend all my rights including my freedom of speech by all means in a fully legal, lawful & peaceful manner til my last second of life. But i don't bow to abuse of power, dictatorship, censorship, visible or invisible coercion & alike.

My Twitter account: @MSirani

M. Sirani                                    14.07.2024   

Friday, July 12, 2024

Warning: Google, Gmail, Microsoft, X, Kripos , Anti-Virus & Tech Companies (Iranian Regime Cyber Army - More Details on My Tweeter Page Under "Replies Section".


P.S. My messages (6 Tweets, briefly detailed below)  were published on my page under the section "Replies". As such, i removed that part of my message, wherein i had criticized X wrongly & unfairly for not publishing my messages. 

Just In the last 3-4 months, i have blocked more than 40-50 fake followers on X (Twitter). As soon as i posted something against the Iranian Regime, the number of these fake followers increased. 

Mehran Sirani                          12.07.2024

Thursday, July 11, 2024

Be aware & Warning: Cyber Attack, Impersonating, Idendity Theft (Google, Gmail, Microsoft, X And Any Other Reliable Tech & Anti-Virus Comapnies).

Since 2013 onwards, i have experienced a series of unpleasant events including escaping from an orchestrated assassination attempt in 2016, being the subject of physical & psychological tortures following my 78 days hunger strike protest (At Kalnes Hospital), etc in my real life & virtual world due to my critical point of view, criticizing the weak points of JCPOA, criticizing the Norwegian authority for facilitating & promoting the Pro-Iranian regime students 

at its higher educational system, rejecting to become of informant for some faction within Norwegian Intelligence Eentities & exposing & criticizing the Norwegian authority in this regard, predicting the war in Ukraine, invasion of Russia and occuping some provinces close to Crimea by Russia and opposing this war, criticizing the Iranian Regime and exposing its malign & terrorist activities at home and abroad, etc.

In this regard, i recently noticed that i was the target of cyber & psychological warfare (Highly Likely Idendity Theft As Well) by highly likely Iranian Regime cyber army & some other POWERFUL STATE-SPONSORED ACTOR/S. 

Some had hacked both my cell-phone, computer and dropped my email address Sira**** into dark web, Twice in 2019 & 2020, while i had absolutely no idea about this unlawful matters, about the existance of such a web, its activity, and in short what it is.

Here by this short note, i clearly decalre that the scope of my activity on virtual world and real one as well, has always been, is and wil be legal, legitimate, lawful and according to my moral & ethical principals and i had absolutely nothing to do with any possible illegal & illigitimate activities some might have done with my gmail & possibly my identity. In this regard, i'm fully ready & avaliable for any cooperation with Google, Gmail, Microsoft, X and reliable -trustworthy Norwegian Entity-ies (Of course if they themselves were not involved somehow in any of those unlawful & illegal activities related to my case) to find the perpetrators of such unlwaful & criminal activities and handover them to real justice system. 

Mehran Sirani  

Another Example of Cyber Attack on X (Twitter), explained in a short note in the link below.