Sunday, November 24, 2013

Some Ambiguous Issues Within Recent Nuclear Agreement With Iran (Who Lies?).

As I review the details of current nuclear agreement between Iran and E3+3 group, I see some ambiguous issues as follows.

The official website of Voice of America (VOA) has published a Persian version of the current nuclear agreement in Geneva. According to this article, for example:

1- Iran should not enrich uranium above 5%.
2- Iran should either convert its 20% enriched uranium (Nearly 200 kg) into 5% enriched uranium or neutralize it or convert it into a form that cannot be enriched to higher level more than 20%.
3- Another part of this agreement is about the Heavy Water Plant in Arak. According to this part of the agreement, Iran should completely deactivate and dismantle Arak plant and don't proceed any activity or development at all in this nuclear plant (see link 1).

The ambiguous issues derive from Javad Zarif's press conference after the Geneva III agreement. In an interview, which has been published in iribnews website (an Iran's official news agency), Zarif claims something completely different than what has been mentioned in VOA website.

In this interview, for example, Zarif claims:
None of Iran's nuclear activities including Arak Heavy Water Plant will neither shut down nor stop . Furthermore, Zarif claims that Iran needs 20% enriched uranium for its research reactor in Tehran. As such, Iran will continue with this type of enrichment process in the future too; the same as it has done it in the past (see link 2).

By a simple comparison between these two versions (i.e. Zarif's press conference and the article published in VOA website), we come up with some questions as follows:
1- Does Javad Zarif lie in this matter?
2- Is there any misinterpretation in the Voice of America's article (from English to Persian)?
3- Is there any misunderstanding about the details of this agreement between Iran and E3+3 group?

Ambiguity with regards to Geneva Agreement tends to increase, when we pay attention to what Ali Akbar Salehi says. Today, Ali Akbar Salehi, the head of Iran's Atomic Energy Organization in an interview with ILNA claimed that Iran unstoppable will continue with its nuclear activities in all its nuclear facilities including the Heavy Water Plant in Arak.

We should bear in mind that Iran would be able to obtain nuclear weapons by using two methods. The first method is that Iran would be able to enrich uranium up until 90-95%. The second method is that Iran would be able to use some amount of plutonium, which would be produced from its Heavy Water Plant in Arak. As Zarif and Salehi after this agreement claim, , Iran still is able to enrich uranium up until 20% for its research reactor in Tehran and Arak nuclear facility would continue to work the same as before. A serious question arises from this short note. What does President Obama mean, when he claims "the deal includes "substantial limitations" on Iran?  

In sum, it seems there is some misunderstanding or something wrong within the details of this agreement. The recent Geneva Agreement to some extent resembles me to another Munich Agreement.

M. Sirani                                     24.11.2013


Link 1: Persian Version of the agreement published in VOA (2013). URL<>. Accessed on: 24.11.2013.

Link2: Zarif's press conference with iribnews (2013).
URL<>. Accessed on: 24.11.2013.

If my short note is not clear enough, perform a simple research in both links noted above and today's Ali Akbar Salehi speech in Tehran.

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