Monday, October 13, 2014

An Excellent New Discovery About Child Labor.

"It is not poverty that creates child labor. It is the opposite".

Are you shocked? So, don't be. You might wonder why?
Because, firstly,  this is not my statement. Secondly, this is the latest genius statement of Nobel Peace Laureate Kailash Satyarthi, who has fought to end the child labor in India for more than two decades.

In an interview with Aftenposten, a Norwegian newspaper, Mr. Satyarthi stated that:

"Det er ikke fattigdom som skaper barnearbeid. Det er motsatt" (Aftenposten, 2014).

The exact translation of Mr. Satyarthi's word by word would be the following:
It is not poverty that creates child labor. It is the opposite.

Following reading this article some ideas came to my mind.

1- The UNICEF should produce couple of thousands frames from Mr. Satyarthi's statement written by Golden Ink and hang one copy in every shanty towns around the world; a place that the children of some people such as Bill Gates and Warren Buffett can clearly see and read it and do not let their parents force them to work.

2- As it appears, the Noble Peace committee does not have enough time to perform a serious and appropriate research about different suggested candidates. That's why, once in a while, the members of Nobel Peace Prize Committee shoot themselves in their respective foot by choosing strange and peculiar candidates. In this respect, i offer my fully Pro Bono assistance to the Nobel Peace Committee.

3- I strongly suggest Mr. Satyarthi to put his statement in a simple cause and effect formula; and see how it functions.

Is there any hope for human race? I really don't think so.

M. Sirani                                     13.10.2014

Aftenposten (2014).

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