Tuesday, June 16, 2015

The Numbness Epoch

There is no more Mona Lisa around
Nor a miraculous Serenade in the air
Even the inexhaustible Old Guitarist
That once could enchant the world
Does not move his magic fingers
It seems we are journeying through
Another endless numbness epoch
Where time, space and just a few    
Are the only conscious pilgrims
The rest are some darned ghosts,
Masked with copies of the Scream,
Hoping in vain that their silent notes
Are reaching the ears of divine universe
A group of happy baffled slaves
Who deem they are really experiencing
The essence of life, love and happiness
While are breathing their own extinction
In this fussy period, just a few are awake
A few sober pilgrims, who are struggling
To find an everlasting escape hatch, in order
To rescue the residents of global Platonic Cave

M. Sirani                   16.06.2015


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