Friday, June 5, 2015

The Universal Symphony of Freedom and Equality.

The Universal Symphony of Freedom and Equality

You might be able to deprive me from all universal rights by all means. But, you can’t deny my factual presence, because I truly exist. You might be able to chain my soul in an extremely dirty cage. But you can’t keep me silent; cause my rebellious soul escapes from every Bastillion prison like a free bird. You might be able to cut out my tongue with the best sword you have, in a sense that I can’t spell a single word anymore. But, you can’t keep me silent; Cause my sharp words penetrate through every solid dam you build. You might be able to crush all my fingers under the heaviest hammer you have, in a sense that I can’t hold a single pen anymore. But again, you can’t keep me silent; cause my intense roar awakens hundreds hibernated birds around the world. You might be able to lock me down, blindfolded in the deepest and darkest crypt in your horrendous filthy castle, in a sense that I can’t feel the magic warmth of the sun anymore. But again, you can’t keep me silent; cause my heartsome thoughts reach thousands marginalized birds around the globe through the air. You might be able to slice my body into pieces and throw away each part in every hot, arid, and uninhabitable desert around the world, in an effort to totally erase my existence from human history. But again, you can’t keep me silent anymore. Because, each slice of my body sends out root, flourish and become a robust tree. Each tree would become a permanent sacred sanctuary for millions exhausted, and deprived love birds around the world, which all of them constantly and simultaneously perform a single universal symphony: The Universal Symphony of Freedom and Equality. You can’t keep me silent anymore, because I orchestrate the miraculous notes of the symphony by my sharp and explicit words beyond your will, power and dysfunctional authority. You can’t keep me silent anymore, because, I frankly exist; because I’m the original voice of billions oppressed love birds around the world.  

M. Sirani                        05.06.2015
Dedicated to billions marginalized, deprived and oppressed people around the world.


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