Wednesday, September 30, 2015

For You.

For You

For you:
- Could have sailed in every furious ocean
- Could have moved every rough mountain
- Could have reached the top of the sky
- Could have touched the sun, moon, stars
- Could have changed the whole world
- Could have conquered the whole universe
- Could have crushed every mighty barrier
Only by my empty hands and humble heart
Ooh, ooh, if and only if you were by my side

M. Sirani     30.09.2015

When Secret Services Decide, Who Should Get PhD or Be Promoted in Educational System, Part of Your Think Thank Would Become Ding Dang. As Such, You Will Repeatedly Be Surprised Even By a Simple Non-State Actor like ISIS.


Which one of your Ding Dangers anticipate Russian direct intervention in Syria and its consequences?

Today, Some of your Ding Dangers  have started to say: Russian intervention in Syria is just to defend Bashar Assad. hahahahaha
These genius have identified the greatest discovery of our contemporary century.

M. Sirani                      30.09.2015

In An Act of Desperation & Confusion, The West (NATO) Shooting Itself in the Foot. (Who is A Bored Kid in the Back of the Classroom in the International Politics? ).


The west (NATO) is totally confused and have absolutely no clear effective plan or reasonable strategy/tactic with regards to neither Ukraine, nor Syria, nor Iraq nor against ISIS. The U.S. $500 million dollars plan to train the Syrian rebels has reached a dead end alley. The nearly two years airstrike plan against ISIS has not achieved any tangible success. In an act of desperation & confusion, furthermore, the West is deciding to deploy ballistic missile defense system to Romania / Poland or nuclear bombs to Germany.

I'm wondering does the West (NATO) understand that the sudden Russia's military move & involvement of China's military advisers in Syria is a natural and inevitable consequence of NATO wrong policy in the EU & Ukraine?

In case of further continuation , the west (NATO) will lose the battle in Syria, Iraq, Ukraine and beyond. I suggest those decision makers in these matters to read "Sun Tzu ( The Art of War) or follow a 101-Strategy & Tactic & 101-Policy Analysis courses. Honestly, when i follow the news, it seems to me that some of you think that you are playing a monopoly-war type game. You role the dice. If the resting position of the dice is two, all of a sudden you decide to move the ballistic missile defense system into two countries of Romania and Poland, without thinking about the consequences of such a random move in somewhere else. If is six, you decide to have a six airstrikes against ISIS in that day. 

In short, based on the current international laws and conventions, this is the West that from now on should coordinate with Russia with regards to the current conflict in Syria; due to the fact that Assad's regime has officially asked Russia for help in war against ISIS. In other words, all the efforts and resources that the west has used in Syria in the past 4/5 years, should be thrown into the historical GARBAGE CAN, without any single positive result. That is the result of the western "rolling the dice policy".  Do you see how a new player suddenly take the ball from some old players in the game? 

Important: If the western countries do not coordinate and compromise with Russia with regards to the Syrian conflict at this stage, there is some probability that Russian warplanes would target the Syrian rebels in addition to ISIS position somewhere in the future.  

Q: Who is "A bored Kid in the back of the classroom in the international politics? President Putin? looooooooool

M. Sirani                       30.09.2015  

Monday, September 28, 2015

Ben Rhodes is Still Dreaming, When It Comes to Current Conflict in Syria ( Based on His Short Interview with BBC Today).


To the Western Politicians: You are still couple of moves behind Iran, Russia and China, although you had 4/5 years time and some historical opportunity to change the course of this conflict (Not with military intervention). E.g. the latest chemical attack in Syria, which took place on 21.08.2013. Or while, Iran was under severe economic sanctions and political isolation. You missed all those opportunities due to your miscalculation, wrong analysis, wrong policies and the lack of proper knowledge with regards to what is really going on on the ground in Syria.

At the present, 1- the international community is going to lift the sanctions on Iran, 2- Russia has directly, openly and publicly deployed its military forces into Syria and is strengthening its military position in the country, 3- China's military advisers are heading to Syria. and 4- Russia, Syria, Iran and Iraq have openly and publicly created its own intelligence ( and possibly military pack) pack against ISIS, ( but in reality against all enemies of both Syrian and Iraqi political systems).

Considering these brief information, Mr. Rhodes still thinks that the USA and the West have the upper hands with regards to the Syrian conflict; as such Russia, Iran, China and Syria should accept his offer. (wake up dear: be realistic with regards to this tension & be prepared for a long term conflict, worse than Syria in Yemen and beyond).

M. Sirani                         28.09.2015  

China’s Military Advisers Heading to Syria to Help Fight ISIS’ According to RT News Agency.


After 4/5 years total confusion, failure, fiasco and spending millions of dollars, the west should retreat from Syria and leave it to Iran, Hezbollah, Russia and China.

Note: The whole Middle East and Africa will gradually fall in the hands of Iran, Russia and China. 

M. Sirani                    28.09.2015


Iran's Former Ambassador to Lebanon is Among Iranian Missing Pilgrims in Mecca Incident.


Following the recent incident in Mecca, some Iranian news agencies revealed that some members of IRGC are among the victims or missing Iranian pilgrims in this horrific event. The recent development revealed by Ya Libnan indicates a fact that Iran's former ambassador to Lebanon, Ghazanfar Roknabadi, is among the missing pilgrims as Iran's State TV declared. There is something interesting that according to Saudi Arabia authority an Iranian pilgrim with name and passport of Ghazanfar Roknabadi has not been registered in the airport immigration system. It should be mentioned that as Iran's ambassador to Lebanon, Ghzanfar Roknabadi should have lots of information about Hezbollah, Jihad and some other Islamic radical groups in Lebanon and Syria. The death or missing of Ghazanfar Roknabadai alone, can point the finger at many external actors within the Middle East and beyond.

If these news are correct and some members of IRGC and Iran's former ambassador to Lebanon are among the victims and missing pilgrims of this event, Saudi Arabia, its close allies and possibly Israel should be prepared for imminent retaliation from Iran somewhere in the near future. Rouhani cutting UN trip short and cancelling some of his sideline meetings could be understood in this respect.

The Iran's retaliation would probably take place, when all the Iranian pilgrims and the bodies of victims will return back to the country. The retaliation could occur everywhere e.g. inside Saudi Arabia, Iraq, Syria, Afghanistan, Pakistan,Yemen, or Bahrain. There are many battlefields to conduct such a retaliatory attack.

M. Sirani                   28.09.2015


Sunday, September 27, 2015

Your Advisers Are the Luckiest People in the World, If They Are Still Working in Your Administrations; After Nearly 5 Years Total Confusion With Regards to the Syrian Civil War.

I don't want to shatter your dream. But you are still floating in the stage of confusion with regards to Syria; as i follow the new development. As it appears, you have eagerly decided to ruin your political reputation by your own hands.

M. Sirani                  27.09.2015 

US- Trained Syrian Rebels Handed Over Their Weapons and Equipment to Al-Nusra Front. (Thanks Guys For Delivery. I'm Wondering: Couldn't DHL Deliver Those Weapons & Equipment Faster And Cheaper Than $500 Million Dollars?).

Needless to explore more the scandal.

Note: You will become the great source of joke and comical entertainment for centuries to come. Your policy in this matter should get couple of Oscars.

M. Sirani                  27.09.2015

Tuesday, September 22, 2015

US-Trained Division 30 Rebels Betrayed US and Handed Weapons Over to Al-Nusra Front Immediately After Entering Syria.

Needless to explore this event. The only thing that i can say is that there is something seriously and fundamentally wrong over there from top to bottom. Spending $500 million dollars and achieving such a result???

M. Sirani                       22.09.2015


Youth Anthem: Revolt (A Rap Lyrics)

Youth Anthem: Revolt (A Rap Lyrics)

Come on comrades
I can’t do it alone
Come on comrades
I can’t do it alone
Get up; join me
Come on; join me

Let’s start the game
Let’s start the fame
Let’s start riot
Let’s start revolt
Let’s conquer the world

Let's stop the fear
Let’s start the fight
Let’s make everything right
Let’s change the world for good
Let’s share the wealth with poor

Let’s kick the ass of politicians
If don’t do their job
If they are corrupt
If they are cruel
If they are monarch

Let’s shut down the arm factories
Let’s produce the goods
Let’s publish the books
Let’s stop the war
Let’s start the peace

Let’s start the game
Let’s start the fame
Let’s start riot
Let’s start revolt
Let’s conquer the world

Let's stop the fear
Let’s start the fight
Let’s make everything right
Let’s change the world for good
Let’s share the wealth with poor

Let’s kick the ass of false theories
Let’s burn them all
Let’s create new
Let’s develop new
Let’s innovate new

Let’s teach all the kids
How they should to think
How they should to fight
How they fight for rights
How they deny drugs

Let’s start the game
Let’s start the fame
Let’s start riot
Let’s start revolt
Let’s conquer the world

Let's stop the fear
Let’s start the fight
Let’s make everything right
Let’s change the world for good
Let’s share the wealth with poor

Let’s protect the Earth
Let’s preserve resource
Let’s stop greed
Let’s stop drill
Let’s start clean

Let’s kick the ass of fascism
Let’s stop racism
Let’s stop fanaticism
Let’s be human being
Let’s be equal being

Let’s start the game
Let’s start the fame
Let’s start riot
Let’s start revolt
Let’s conquer the world

Let's stop the fear
Let’s start the fight
Let’s make everything right
Let’s change the world for good
Let’s share the wealth with poor

Let’s give all the women
Equal rights to live
Equal rights in law
Equal rights in work

Let’s stop the child labor
Let’s respect the kids
Let’s respect the youth
Let's respect the law

Let’s enjoy the life
Let’s enjoy the rights
Let’s be morally right
Let’s be morally just

Let’s start the game
Let’s start the fame
Let’s start riot
Let’s start revolt
Let’s conquer the world

Let's stop the fear
Let’s start the fight
Let’s make everything right
Let’s change the world for good
Let’s share the wealth with poor


M. Sirani                     20.09.2015

© Mehran Sirani, 2015

All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be used, reproduced, transmitted or stored in a retrieval system in any form or by any means electronic, mechanical or otherwise, without the written permission of copyright owner.

Thursday, September 17, 2015

After 4/5 Years Civil War, Only '4 or 5' US-Trained Syrian Rebels Fighting ISIS, As general Austin States. (Dear Super Power: Are You Kidding Me?).

Cry or laugh? I leave the answer to the readers and ???????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????

Note: The most sophisticated army equipped with the most advanced weapons without a clear strategy and tactic means: Nothing, Nothing, Nothing at all.

Dear Super Powers: No wonder large numbers of Non-State Actors are involving in the international politics. Part of the reason behind this new phenomenon in the international arena lies in the lack of effective and reliable strategy and tactic in your military departments and hard power. If i were you, i would completely & immediately retreat from both Iraq and Syria; because there is something seriously wrong in my hard power. 

M. Sirani                     17.09.2015

For Its Own Sake, The EU Should Play A More Effective Role With Regards to the Current Tensions in Syria and Iraq.


Due to the geographical location, the EU is the closest and easily reachable destination for the influx of refugees. As such, it would be wise for the EU to play a more effective role with regards to the current tensions in the Middle East; otherwise the Union will be the first location that would suffer a lot in different terms in the future.

M. Sirani                       17.09.2015

A Brief Notification for General Martin Dempsey and Kenneth Pollack.


According to newly revealed information, Russia has recently begun to build a new military base in Latakia in Syria. In this respect, Russian flights are using an air corridor over Iran and Iraq in order to transport the necessary equipment into Syria. This development indicates the fact that contrary to what General Martin Dempsey (The current Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff) and Kenneth Pollack (A distinguished Middle East expert in the Brookings Institute) in different occasions e.g. testimonies before the Senate Foreign Relations Committee, repeatedly stated, the current Haidar Al-Abadi government is completely under the control of the Islamic Regime of Iran and cannot be trusted neither with regards to current civil war within Iraq nor in the war against ISIS in this country.
Reviewing this issue is a very important point  due to the fact that although, the events of 1- the current civil war between various religious and ethnic groups within Iraq and 2- the war against ISIS in Iraq, are two separate issues; but they are totally related to each other. To put it simply, we cannot fundamentally defeat ISIS in Iraq, if we haven't be able to establish an inclusive political system in Iraq. In other words, as long as the political system in Iraq would be under the control and hegemony of a particular religious or ethnic group, some Islamic radical groups like ISIS and Al- Qaeda would re-rise and reestablish; simply because the fertile land and the necessary components exist. In short, your current policy with regards to ISIS will never work neither in Syria nor in Iraq based on many reasons including the brief details of this short note. 

I have warned the western politicians in this matter through many short notes. Here below two of them will be re-uploaded again in a hope to refresh some memories.

M. Sirani                                 17.09.2015

1- Iraqi Prime Minister Haidar Al-Abadi Asked U.S. For Weapon.


There is no doubt that selling weapon to current Iraqi government would have a huge economical benefit for the U.S. economy. But, there are some serious considerations in this matter, which the combination of all of them indicate a fact that the current U.S. administration should response to Al-Abadi's request in a very cautious and careful manner. In short, based on some reasons including:

1- The current Iraqi political system is the puppet of the Islamic Regime of Iran.

2- The current Iraqi political system is not an inclusive government.

3- Some Ministers within current Iraqi political system are the high ranking members of Badr Organization, which is a subset organization of Iran's IRGS and Quds Force. (Those, who are interested to know more about the three issues mentioned above, can read my short note entitled "You are shocking me General Dempsey" in the following link).

4-- Unlimited increasing influence of IRGC and its numerous subsets Shiite Groups in Iraq.

5- Serious violation of the human rights and atrocities against Sunni people performed by various Shiite groups.

6- The ongoing civil war in Yemen and the important role of Iran in this country.

7- And the uncertainty about the final outcome of a nuclear deal with Iran.

The current U.S. administration should evaluate Al-Abadi's request in a very cautious and careful manner. Because, there is some possibility that some of these weapons would fall in the hands of IRGC and Quds Forces and will be used against U.S. forces somewhere in the future; exactly the same as those high-tech weapons that were ended up in the hands of Al-Qaeda and Taliban and later were used against U.S. and its allies in Afghanistan. Should we learn something from history or not?

M. Sirani                              14.04.2015

2- You Are Shocking Me general Dempsey.

You Are Shocking Me General Dempsey. 

In an interview which took place Thursday, when the reporter asked General Martin Dempsey about Iran's military operation in Iraq, the Joint Chiefs Chairman responded:

"So far, those operations haven't threatened U.S. troops or their mission" (Yahoo, 2015). 

This statement is honestly shocking me. One might wonder why? This is the story. Everybody knows that the Iranian Regime has completely colonized Iraq since many years ago at least since December 2011, when the U.S. withdrew its troops from Iraq. Since 2013, ISIS has systematically begun to seize the power in Iraq and Syria. To put it simply, ISIS activities in both Iraq and Syria are threatening Iran's interests (in different terms) in both countries. Since August 2014, the USA has formed a coalition (nearly 60 countries as Mr. John Kerry says) and has begun to fight ISIS in Iraq and Syria. I'm wondering: why should the Iranian Regime complain? Why should the Iranian Regime perform any activity against the U.S. troops, when the U.S. troops are fighting ISIS and doing a great favor for the Iranian Regime free of any charge?

Not only Iran but also the Syrian regime are using Buck Passing Strategy and enjoying all the activities that the  USA and its coalition are doing against ISIS in both Iraq and Syria. What else should the Iranian Regime or Assad's Regime wish in this matter General Dempsey?

This is not the end of the story. General Dempsey surprises us with another shocking statement. In this interview, General Dempsey is identifying the Iranian influence in Iraq a positive move, if the Iraqi government remains committed to inclusivity of all different groups inside Iraq. His direct statement is as follows:

"If it is a path that ties the two countries more closely together economically or even politically, as long at the Iraqi government remains committed to inclusivity of all the various groups inside the country, then I think Iranian influence will be positive" (Yahoo, 2015).

This part of General Dempsey's statement is interesting and at the same time shocking from different angles. I'm wondering, do i have to remind the Joint Chiefs of Chairman about the destructive role of the Iranian Regime in Iraq, which directly and indirectly facilitated the best environment for the emergence and presence of ISIS in both Iraq and Syria? Do i have to remind General Dempsey that hegemonic influence of the Shiite regime of Iran led most of the Sunni tribes in Iraq to join ISIS? Or do i have to remind General Dempsey that since 2003 onward, most of the U.S. troops in Iraq were killed by the IRGC, Quds forces and their affiliates such as Mahdi Army or Badr force?

Furthermore, General Dempsey has used the term "inclusivity" as a characteristic of the current Iraqi government, in order to underpin his statement about the positive role of the Iranian Regime in Iraq. I don't want to deeply analyze this part of General Dempsey's statement; although there are many loopholes in this matter as well. But with help of some simple questions, i would try to illustrate my argument.

Dear General Dempsey:

1- Who is the current Iraqi Minister of Transportation? Is Hadi Al- Amiri the current minister or not? Is Hadi Al-Amiri the head of Badr Organization or not? Is the Badr Organization a subset of the Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps (IRGC) or not?

2- Who is the current Iraqi Interior Minister? Is Mohammed Ghabban  a Shiite politician affiliated to the Badr Organization or not? Needless to say that Interior Ministry is a key security ministry within every political system including current Iraqi government.

3- Who is the current Iraqi Human Rights Minister? Is Mohammed Shia' al-Sudani a Shiite politician affiliated to the Badr Organization or not?

Dear General Dempsey, the Joint Chiefs of Chairman of the strongest country in the world: With just these simple examples, could we identify the current Iraqi government an inclusive political system and furthermore could we identify the overall influence of Iran in Iraq a positive move? Or should we be optimistic about the inclusivity of Iraqi government somewhere in the future?

In sum, i can offer you many other examples and a more deeper academic argument, which the combination of all of them indicates a simple fact that:

The current Iraqi government is not inclusive and never will be a inclusive political system as long as the Islamic Regime governs in Iran.

Note: If you think you can stop Iran's adventurous nuclear activity by handing over Iraq to Iran, you are absolutely and completely in the wrong direction. You will understand my statement, when it's too late. Remember my short note in this matter.

M. Sirani                                   09.01.2015


Sunday, September 13, 2015

A Crime Without Any Legal Punishment.

A Crime Without Any Legal Punishment:

One of the worst crimes, in my opinion, is that an individual lies to himself or herself about something. This is in fact an immense crime, which can cause many problems in different terms for other people in our societies; if we seriously and deeply think about it. Unfortunately, still we don’t have any legal punishment for it; possibly due to too much individual freedom or the reluctance of our contemporary educational, judiciary, political system, or the lack of a proper knowledge with regards to the broad consequences of such a crime or maybe some other factors.  

 M. Sirani                  13.09.2015

Bloody Sunday; A New Definition.

Bloody Sunday; A New Definition:

Bloody Sunday means: Experiencing Murphy’s Law, couple of times in the kitchen on a Sunday following a seductive companion with Devil on Saturday. 

M. Sirani               13.09.2015



Eyes are the only organs in human body that never lie. So, we should carefully protect them with (by) sunglasses always even in the winter-time.

M. Sirani                    13.09.2015

معجزه (Miracle-Persian Version)

نه به خاطر گرمای لذت بخش آفتاب تابستان
یا رقص حیرت انگیز برگ‌های رنگارنگ در پائیز
یا شکفتن جادویی شکوفه‌های شرمرو در بهار
یا بارش پر شکوه برف دانه ها در زمستان
چهار فصل را با تمامی‌ وجود میپرستم
فقط بخاطر حضور یکرنگ ‌و یکدل تو
حضورملموس تو در این دیار واهی
اکسیر معجزه آسای حیات ازلیست.

مهران سیرانی         13.09.2015


Not because of:
- The pleasurable warmth of sunny days in summer,
- Or the amazing dance of colorful leaves in autumn;
- Or the magical rise of modest blossom in spring;
- Or the majestic downfall of white snow in winter;
I love the four seasons, because of your heartfelt presence.
Your miraculous presence convinces me that I’m still alive.

M. Sirani                      13.09.2015

IF You Haven't, So Far, Been Able to Find a Solution For the Syrian Conflict; That Doesn't Mean Others Can't Do it.


I can use the words and speeches of the leaders of nearly all internal and external actors involved in the Syrian conflict and design a peace plan for Syria in the benefit of vast majority of the Syrian people. The plan would put an end to the Syrian civil war and in the final stage would fundamentally defeat the ISIS in Syria.

Note: All your previous strategy and plan with regards to the Syrian conflict and defeating ISIS have ended up to a total failure and disaster in different terms. In comparison with all resources that you have used during the recent years, you have reached nothing with regards to this conflict. Your current policy will also reach nothing in the future; in fact, you don't have a clear, reliable, reasonable and reachable plan at all neither with regards to the Syrian civil war nor against ISIS. You are just mumbling some dreamy words in your international meeting amid this conflict and wasting your resources on the ground against ISIS without reaching a serious achievement at the end. In addition, you should bear in mind that if this conflict continues further, not only Syria and its neighboring countries, but also the EU will suffer a lot in different terms. To put it simply and short, ISIS will expand the Syrian and Iraqi civil wars into the EU territories, The potentialities and leverages of such a move have arrived into the EU and exist already. Open your eyes and see the realities.

M. Sirani                         13.09.2015

Saturday, September 12, 2015

Intensifying Tension In Syria Will Cause Huge Problems for the EU in Different Terms. We Should Put an End to This Conflict; Before it's too late.

In the last couple of days, more Russian planes have landed in Syria. In addition, lifting the sanctions on Iran will offer Iran numerous leverages in various forms and terms to help and support Assad's Regime in the near future. Moreover, this is a fact that without finding a fundamental solution for the Syrian civil war, the U.S.-led coalition will not be able to properly defeat the ISIS and other terrorist groups inside Syria. Furthermore, as the conflict in Syria continues, the neighboring countries and consequently the EU will face a series of deeper and broader problems and complications. The influx of refugees, which has its own complications including in security arena, is just one of these problems. The combination of all noted above, indicates a fact that we should put an end to the Syrian conflict as soon as possible, before the side effects of this conflict would damage many countries furthermore.

Note: I have a peace plan for the Syrian conflict and ready to offer my assistance in this matter to a reliable state or the UN.  

M. Sirani                    12.09.2015 

Friday, September 11, 2015

The Busker (Street Performer).

The Busker (Street Performer)

That was all the busker could see.
A misty one way road,
Without any traveler,
In the middle of Nowhere to nowhere;
And the shadow of a cliff, 
Resembled like a high mountain from distance,
That couldn’t echo a single note.

All of a sudden, he stopped and silently mumbled:
“An empty one way road doesn’t deserve any song”;
“A small cliff, unable to echo, doesn’t deserve any song”;
And consequently sank in an ocean of silence for a while.

How long?
One second, one hour, one day, one week or more?
Still nobody knows.
Did he reach the 10 Th dimension or a stage of self-enlightenment?
Or was he confused and lost in the middle of 5th, 6th and 7th dimensions?
Still nobody knows.
Whatever it was;
It was the beginning of an end.
A type of deep transformation.

Since then,
No one heard a single sweet note from him.
Except the moon,
That behind the dark clouds,
Secretly shared his songs with some unknown stars;
And the furious ocean,
That by its roaring waves,
Echoed his songs into the coast of Nowhere land.

M. Sirani                    11.09.2015

* Busker: Street performer.

Wednesday, September 9, 2015

Those, Who Defend The Nuclear Deal with Iran, Should Firstly Wash Their Faces With Cold Water and Secondly Pay Attention to Today's Ayatollah Khamenei Speech.

Needless to explore and explain the speech. Everything in this speech is Chrystal clear and everybody perfectly understands what Ayatollah Khamenei does mean.

Note: Those people, who, intellectually and mentally, are the genuine followers of Chamberlain might not take Khamenei's statement seriously, when he says Israel does not exist until the next 25 years.

Some dreamers still have no idea that they have released an angry, wild and wounded beast from the cage.

M. Sirani                      09.09.2015 

Warning: ISIS is Planning to Expand the Battlefield. The EU Should Be Prepared.

According to the news revealed by Express, ISIS has smuggled thousands of extremists into the EU. I anticipated such a event through a short note just four days ago. Here below is the copy of my short note.

M. Sirani           09.09.2015


Here below is my previous note in this matter.

Warning: Those Genius EU Politicians, Who Say They Are Cutting Food and Shelter for Non-Refugees, Have Absolutely No Clue In What Type of Sh*** Critical Situation the EU Has Been Landing. 


Beyond the power and authority of anyone, the shadow of a huge threat has been arriving within the EU. Then some genius are saying they are cutting the food and shelter for non-refugees. Those genius think the current and future waves of refugees are like those, who arrived within the EU some years ago.  Just 0/05% wrong people among all can cause a huge disaster within the EU.

Some genius EU politicians still don't understand that just 4 terrorists caused the deployment of nearly 80,000 military and security forces across France during Charlie Hebdo attack.

For your own sake: Do not produce jargon; Just Wake Up. Deal with this crisis in an appropriate and professional manner; before it's too late. Otherwise, you will lose badly. As an example, nearly 60 states, some of them European, are the members of US-led coalition and are in a direct war against ISIS, Al.Qaeda, Al-Shebab and other terrorist groups across the Middle East and Africa.

Is it a difficult and impossible task that one or some of these terrorist groups would deploy some small numbers of their members to the EU through these large numbers of refugees? Is it difficult for this hypothetical small numbers to perform some lone wolf attacks within the EU? Should this happen (I hope not) what would be the reaction of public opinion within the EU states with regards to war against ISIS or other terrorist groups?

The answer is very simple: The citizens of such a state would force their government to retreat from the war against ISIS. The reason behind such a move is very simple: ISIS cannot compete with the US-led coalition highly sophisticated war planes neither in Iraq nor in Syria. But a terrorist act of a lone wolf within one of the EU countries can do a lot.  To put it simply, ISIS or maybe some other terrorist groups, by such a move would highly likely to expand the battlefield within geographical territory of the EU.  This sudden eruption of large scale refugees might not be a simple and ordinary move. Whether agree or disagree with my short note, we cannot deny the fact that there is some probability in this matter, which should neither be ignored nor underestimated.  

Therefore, i suggest the EU countries should deal with the current refugees crisis immediately and in a very appropriate, humane and professional manner; and be prepared for the next coming waves of refugees. And this is something that all the EU countries should coordinate and cooperate. This is a MUST, simply due to the lack of border guards among EU countries and the notion that a lone wolf act in one country within the EU would automatically impact the other EU states in different terms and forms. We should not forget that each member of the EU might have its own characteristics and rules in different terms, but when it comes to an important issue such as Security, all the members of union should perfectly coordinate and cooperate with each other. Otherwise the whole Union would become vulnerable and the negative consequences would be devastating for all.

Note: Don't misunderstand my short note. This is a fact that vast majority of these refugees are innocent and deprived people, who have been escaping from war zone areas to save themselves and their families. There is absolutely no doubt about it. My warning is about the possibility of a very small group of terrorists among these innocent people.

Once again, I hope my prediction in this matter would not come true; although i highly likely doubt about it based on many reasons, which exploring all of them is beyond the scope of this short note.

M. Sirani                  05.09.2015

Jospeh Nye's Soft Power & The Syrian Conflict


Joseph Nye introduced the concept of Soft Power in his famous book Bound to Lead: The Changing Nature of American Power” in 1990. It’s really shocking me, when I see after nearly 4/5 years and spending billions of dollars Obama administration and the western countries have not been able to organize a coherent, reliable and united group of Syrian people, who would try to promote democracy and liberal values in Syria. This is really strange and shocking, when we see that nearly 4-5 million Syrian refugees, which have left Syria, are living in the camps located in some countries like Lebanon, Jordan, Egypt and Turkey, which all of them are the close allies of the western countries. In other words, the western countries do not have any barrier or limitation at all, if they want to promote democracy and liberal values among those Syrian refugees. The last effort of Obama administration was spending $500 million dollars and training of a group of nearly 60 Syrian rebels, which in the beginning of their operation, most of them were killed or captured by ISIS and Al-Nusra-Front. So is the devastating case of Afghanistan and Iraq after all these years war. Let be honest with ourselves: Isn’t something really wrong with these genius politicians and decision makers?  Do these people really have enough education, qualification and experience for the job they are doing? Or maybe these people have landed on the Earth from another Galaxy and have absolutely no idea about everything in our planet including the simple concept of Soft Power developed by J. Nye. In a very optimistic scenario, some of your advisers are like tape recorders. They might have the highest educational degrees from best universities with A+ grade in all the subjects; but they have absolutely no idea how to use different theoretical concepts as tool in order to solve a problem. 

Note: With less than $50 million dollars, during one or two years course, i could educate and train nearly 40 to 50,000 Syrian refugees in a way that they would have returned back into Syria and completely dismantled Assad's Regime by the effort and power of themselves without my direct intervention in Syria.   

M. Sirani                    09.09.2015

Tuesday, September 8, 2015

Are Some Countries Preparing For a Military Intervention Against Assad's Regime in Syria? (Think Twice).


The devastating consequences of such a move even for a first year student in Political Science or International Relations is Chrystal clear. But honestly, sometimes i hear some strange and shallow statements from some politicians, which in fact, it's shocking me. In such a circumstance, we use a special proverb in Iran which says: the idea is very shallow that a cooked chicken in the pan would laugh at it. Based on my own experience, however, i would try to briefly touch some of the main negative consequences of such a move; of course if some actors would try/dare to perform it.

Here below, three main negative consequences of such a move will briefly be explored.

1- There is no coherent, united, organized and reliable alternative, which would be able to seize the power following the collapse of Assad's regime and run the country in an appropriate and professional manner. In case of a possible military intervention and consequently the collapse of Assad's Regime, Syria would become a country worse than current Libya, Yemen or Iraq. Wonder why worse than these countries? The answer is very simple. During the nearly 5 years conflict, circa 250.000 Syrian people have been killed and couple of millions Syrian have lost everything they had. Thus, in case of a weak political system or vacuum of power, the whole country would become a disastrous battle field for various religious, ethnic and tribe groups to take revenge at each other or struggle of power.  This is a special characteristics that the two countries of Iraq and Libya didn't have it before the military intervention; although both countries were governed by two dictators.

2- The reaction of Russia: Russia would do whatever it can by all means to preserve its economic and geopolitical interests in Syria. If Russia would not be able to do that, The Kremlin would probably use all its power in order to seize more power in Ukraine and the Baltic States. In those areas, Russia has some powerful leverages and tools much better than the West. Russia can use the Russian citizens of those states in a way that NATO cannot do anything at all about it, as an example.

3- The reaction of the Islamic Regime of Iran: Iran would use all its proxies and Shiite groups across the Middle East and North Africa in order to destabilize the whole region. Whether, we like it or not, we should accept the fact that in case of a possible military intervention in Syria, Iran might not be able to compete with high - tech weapons of the western countries and consequently save Assad's Regime; but Iran can easily create a series of instability and disorder across the Middle East and North Africa through its proxies. To put it simply, such a move would be equivalent to a broad explosion in the whole Middle East and Africa for many years to come.

I hope with this brief information, those policy makers (If any ), who propose a military intervention against Assad's Regime at this stage, think carefully about the negative consequences of such a move.

M. Sirani                          08.09.2015      

Shocking Announcement: David Cameron Says: The UK Will Accept 4000 Syrian Refugees Each Year Up Until 2020; in Total 20,000.


Cameron's announcement is really shocking me. What does D. Cameron think? Does he think that the Syrian civil war would continue up to the next five years without any further complications that he would be able to easily accept 4000 refugees each year without any further problem?

D. Cameron and those who think like him should understand that the Syrian civil war has reached a very critical point and moreover pay attention to some facts as follows:

1- If the conflict in  Syria would continue until the next five years, whether D. Cameron likes or not and beyond his power and authority, the UK will be forced (By the influx of refugees) to accept more than 40,000 refugees each year.

2- If the conflict in Syria would continue until year 2020, not only the whole Middle East, but also the European countries including the UK would face a series of threats and problems in different terms.

Instead of designing unrealistic and dreamy plan, it would be wise to find a fundamental solution for this conflict as soon as possible.

Note: Some western politicians still don't get it that The DAM IS BROKEN. In other words, the current refugees crisis is not just the case of Syrian refugees alone. Most of the marginalized and deprived people even in remote areas around the world have obtained enough information how to save themselves and reach the Europe. I was expecting the current influx of refugees would function like a "Wake UP Call" for some politicians. As it appears, i was wrong.

M. Sirani                   08.09.2015

This is a Fact: We Cannot Defeat ISIS Neither in Syria Nor in Iraq, Unless We Would Find a Fundamental Solution for the Syrian Civil War in Advance.

Briefly: There is a solution for the Syrian conflict.

You are just wasting your time, energy, money and resources in fight against ISIS. And at the end of the day, no matter, how much effort you put in this matter, you don't reach a tangible and effective result. You should, firstly, find a fundamental solution for the Syrian civil war and then deal with ISIS. Otherwise, you reach nothing.

When it comes to the Syrian civil war: The history of last four years has shown that based on many reasons, this conflict cannot be solved through direct or indirect military intervention or a type of proxy war fueled by one or some external factors. Two simple arguments, which confirms my statement in this matter are as follows: 1- All policies, tactics, and strategies that you have implemented to remove Bashar Assad from the power or defeat the ISIS have totally failed without any single tangible and effective result. 2- The Islamic Regime of Iran defended Assad's Regime by all means, when Iran was under the series of severe sanctions due to its secret nuclear program. Due to the current nuclear deal and consequently lifting the sanctions, Iran would automatically be able to defend Assad's Regime by much more powerful tools and leverages. To put it simply, you couldn't remove Bashar Assad from the power, when Iran was under the pressure of severe sanctions, you will not be able to do this task in the future following the nuclear deal and lifting the sanctions.

Whether we like it or not this is a fact. As such, in order to fundamentally defeat the ISIS and prevent further damages and complications  (e.g. influx of tens of thousands refugees into the Europe, which will highly likely continue in the future) we should find a diplomatic for the Syrian civil war.
This issue is possible.

As i have repeatedly mentioned it in my previous notes, i have a proposal for the Syrian civil war, which not only solve the conflict in a diplomatic and peaceful manner, but also would put an end to ISIS problem in Syria in an appropriate manner.

M. Sirani                    08.09.2015

Monday, September 7, 2015

The EU Has Decided to Accept 120,000 Refugees in the Next Two Years (Reevaluate Your Estimation).

The winter season might reduce the waves of refugees for a while and temporarily. But if the international community would not be able to put an end to the Syrian civil war in the next coming months, the number of refugees, who would move towards the EU, would be much more than EU estimation. Needless to explain, how lifting the sanctions on Iran would intensify the level and scope of conflicts in the Middle East and consequently influx of refugees. As an example, the civil war in Yemen has just begun.

M. Sirani                   07.09.2015

Sunday, September 6, 2015

It Would Be Wise to Be Prepared for Some Days Before and After 9/11/2015 Specially Within the EU. (Hope, i'm wrong).

It costs money, but prevention is always cheaper, better and more effective than treatment.

M. Sirani           06.09.2015

The Syrian Civil War Has Reached a Critical Point; We Should and We Can Put An End to the Syrian Civil War.

The Syrian Civil War Has Reached a Critical Point; We Should and We Can Put An End to the Syrian Civil War.


In advance, i have to admit that in the final point of my plan, one or some of the external actors involved in the Syrian conflict might not be satisfied; due to the fact that the result might not be what they had expected in the last couple of years (E.g to establish a puppet state in Syria for their own benefit in different terms). But i'm pretty sure that the final result would be in the favor of vast majority of the Syrian people and can reestablish peace, order and security in the country. Through this plan, the ISIS and some other terrorist groups within Syria will also be defeated. 

Note: This is a fact that all envoys in this matter including the representatives of the UN and the Arab League have repeatedly failed. There is a very low probability that the current UN envoy would also be able to solve the Syrian conflict. Due to these failures and delays after more than four years civil war, the Syrian conflict has been reaching a much more critical point, which has its own new complications in different terms. As an example, one of the new side effect of the Syrian conflict is the influx of tens of thousands refugees towards the European countries. Needless to explore the impact of this event and alike in the near future on the EU. In short, my point is that this is the moment that we should put an end to this conflict. Otherwise, we cannot deal with other negative consequences of this conflict in an appropriate and professional manner not only within Syria, but also in our own countries particularly within the EU and the COST IN DIFFERENT TERMS & FORMS FOR THE EU COUNTRIES WILL BE UNBELIEVABLY VERY HIGH. If the UN or some other reliable EU countries are seriously eager to solve this conflict, i can offer my proposal.

M. Sirani                            06.09.2015

Saturday, September 5, 2015

Warning: Those Genius EU Politicians, Who Say They Are Cutting Food and Shelter for Non-Refugees, Have Absolutely No Clue In What Type of Sh*** Critical Situation the EU Has Been Landing.


Beyond the power and authority of anyone, the shadow of a huge threat has been arriving within the EU. Then some genius are saying they are cutting the food and shelter for non-refugees. Those genius think the current and future waves of refugees are like those, who arrived within the EU some years ago.  Just 0/05% wrong people among all can cause a huge disaster within the EU.

Some genius EU politicians still don't understand that just 4 terrorists caused the deployment of nearly 80,000 military and security forces across France during Charlie Hebdo attack.

For your own sake: Do not produce jargon; Just Wake Up. Deal with this crisis in an appropriate and professional manner; before it's too late. Otherwise, you will lose badly. As an example, nearly 60 states, some of them European, are the members of US-led coalition and are in a direct war against ISIS, Al.Qaeda, Al-Shebab and other terrorist groups across the Middle East and Africa.

Is it a difficult and impossible task that one or some of these terrorist groups would deploy some small numbers of their members to the EU through these large numbers of refugees? Is it difficult for this hypothetical small numbers to perform some lone wolf attacks within the EU? Should this happen (I hope not) what would be the reaction of public opinion within the EU states with regards to war against ISIS or other terrorist groups?

The answer is very simple: The citizens of such a state would force their government to retreat from the war against ISIS. The reason behind such a move is very simple: ISIS cannot compete with the US-led coalition highly sophisticated war planes neither in Iraq nor in Syria. But a terrorist act of a lone wolf within one of the EU countries can do a lot.  To put it simply, ISIS or maybe some other terrorist groups, by such a move would highly likely to expand the battlefield within geographical territory of the EU.  This sudden eruption of large scale refugees might not be a simple and ordinary move. Whether agree or disagree with my short note, we cannot deny the fact that there is some probability in this matter, which should neither be ignored nor underestimated.  

Therefore, i suggest the EU countries should deal with the current refugees crisis immediately and in a very appropriate, humane and professional manner; and be prepared for the next coming waves of refugees. And this is something that all the EU countries should coordinate and cooperate. This is a MUST, simply due to the lack of border guards among EU countries and the notion that a lone wolf act in one country within the EU would automatically impact the other EU states in different terms and forms. We should not forget that each member of the EU might have its own characteristics and rules in different terms, but when it comes to an important issue such as Security, all the members of union should perfectly coordinate and cooperate with each other. Otherwise the whole Union would become vulnerable and the negative consequences would be devastating for all.

Note: Don't misunderstand my short note. This is a fact that vast majority of these refugees are innocent and deprived people, who have been escaping from war zone areas to save themselves and their families. There is absolutely no doubt about it. My warning is about the possibility of a very small group of terrorists among these innocent people.

Once again, I hope my prediction in this matter would not come true; although i highly likely doubt about it based on many reasons, which exploring all of them is beyond the scope of this short note.

M. Sirani                  05.09.2015

The Dam is Broken; The Great Global Human March Has just Begun.


What we are currently observing within the EU is just a tip of huge iceberg; the dam is broken.
The EU states should focus on two main issues simultaneously (AS damage control policies) as follows:

1- Deal with the current refugee crisis (and the next waves, which are underway towards the West) in a humane, appropriate and professional manner.

2- A radical change (In different terms) in the foreign policy, with regards to the developing countries.

Needless to explore how some other issues such as economic crisis, environmental degradation and water shortage would impact the refugee crisis. Ignoring one or both issues mentioned above would be equivalent to lots of problems in various forms and terms (including security issue) for the EU countries in the next coming months and years. We should not forget, how just couple of thousands refugees, without touching anything, caused a huge disorder in Hungary. Moreover, we should not forget that most of these refugees are not coming from an ordinary war zone.

M. Sirani                        05.09.2015

Friday, September 4, 2015

The Newly Introduced Hungarian Parliament Law: 3 years Jail for Refugees, Who Pass the Razor Fence. (The Human Stupidity is Infinite as Einstein Said).

Are you still wondering why some western citizens are leaving their countries and joining ISIS and other terrorist groups?

Note: If the Hungarian parliament approved this stupid law, Hungary should be prepared for many unpleasant events. The current waves of refugees have nothing to lose anymore. The EU politicians should understand the situation. With approval of such inhuman laws, you are inflaming a huge tension and conflict within the EU beyond your imagination; you are suddenly igniting huge amount of potential gun powder.

M. Sirani                            04.09.2015

The Flux of Couple of Thousands Refugees Clearly Shows That the Western Countries Are Too Vulnerable In Different Terms.

Some fundamental new changes and policies are immediately needed; before it's too late. Once again, i remind you: The Dam Is Brokennnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnn.

Note: Some western politicians still don't get it that how easily couple of thousands refugees can create a huge disorder in various forms and terms in a powerful continent like the Europe. Wake up.

M. Sirani                 04.09.2015

A Nice Solution

A Nice Strategy:

The poor, deprived and marginalized people are leaving behind their countries in the South with all natural resources for the multinational companies and moving towards the North. This is a perfect solution, which puts an end to all conflict and tension around the world. From now on, without any conflict, war or civil war, the multinational companies can continue with plundering and exploitation of all the natural resources in the South, while the marginalized people in the South can start a normal life in the North.

M. Sirani                  04.09.2015 

Thursday, September 3, 2015

A Warning: The Dam Is Badly Broken; The Western Politicians Are Still in the Hibernation Mode.

Since couple of months ago, i have decided to do not upload any comprehensive analysis in the form of pro bono in my weblog. As such, you will read the word "Briefly" in the beginning of all my short notes.

When it comes to the current Migration Flux, the dam is badly broken; but most of the western politicians do not get it yet.

The Middle East and Africa do not tolerate and accept the current status quo. In addition, we have entered new era in different terms. As an example, couple of years ago, you (the western countries) could prevent or decrease the flow of migrants and refugees with different policies and rules; but not anymore. What you are observing currently is just the tip of a huge iceberg mainly located in the Middle East and Africa, but it is underway towards the West. In other words, the previous dam in this regards is broken and does not function anymore.

Moreover, the current refugees crisis in Hungary clearly shows how vulnerable the western countries are. Just a couple of thousands refugees have dismantled the Hungarian authority in different terms. The refugees crisis will create a huge headache in different terms and forms including in security arena for the western countries, if the U.S and EU authorities would not deal with this crisis in an appropriate, humane and professional manner.

Note: The west needs an immediate fundamental strategy with regards to the refugees crisis and its wrong foreign policy; otherwise, the western countries will be surprised & shocked in different terms somewhere in the near future in their own territories.

M. Sirani                      03.09.2015

David Cameron Says: Migrants Are Swarm; George Osborne Says: The Syrian Toddler Washed Up on Beach, Was Killed By ISIS.

Then some Walnotian Brain Politicians are wondering why some foreign citizens of the western countries will join ISIS. Al-Qaeda and other Islamic terrorist groups.

To Mr. Cameron: Migrants are not swarm. Swarm are those, who interfere, attack and ruin the third world countries because of oil, gas and other natural resources.

To Mr. Osborne: The Syrian toddler had successfully escaped from ISIS, but unfortunately he couldn't escape from you and those politicians like you.

M. Sirani                03.09.2015

A Thanks Note From the Mediterranean Sea

A Thanks Note From the Mediterranean Sea

The sharks of the Mediterranean Sea would like to express their sincere gratitude to their counterparts on the land because of providing unlimited free meals. But, they don’t know how.

M. Sirani                     03.09.2015 

Tuesday, September 1, 2015

The Sanctions on Iran have Not Been Lifted Yet; But This News Has so far, Shown its Consequences in Kuwait and Lebanon. Tunisia Might Be The Next Stop.

You will see the real face of the Islamic Regime following the lifting of the sanctions. (Enjoy it).

M. Sirani        02.09.2015              

New Finding Amid Old Quran in Birmingham; A Double-Edged Sword.


According to the news, the carbon dating method has shown that part of this Quran is older than Muhammad himself.

If this news is true and correct, this revelation could be a gigantic finding. Such a sensitive and important event, if it would be used in a professional and appropriate manner, could change the course of history of mankind  for good in different terms. Of course, if it would be used in an appropriate and professional manner. Otherwise, it would cause a broad, deep and long term conflict; much more than what we are currently observing in the Middle East and North Africa.

Considering the nearly 1.5 billion Muslims around the world, this important event is like a double-edged sword; it can be used in a very positive manner and completely vice versa in a very destructive manner.  

Note: If this news is true, this event is one of the most important historical opportunity for the entire world. I hope those involved in this matter pay attention to the importance and sensitivity of this issue.

M. Sirani                 02.09.2015