Tuesday, March 10, 2015

The Head of Shiite Badr Organization in Iraq Hadi Al-Amiri Says: In the Fight Against ISIS, We Don't Need the Help and Support of the Coalition.

When do you want to understand that your policy against ISIS in both Iraq and Syria is totally wrong?

Note: Some optimist politicians might translate the recent Al-Amiri's statement as a simple propaganda. Such a assumption is totally wrong. Al-Amiri' statement is a warning shot about the future events in Iraq and Syria. When the nuclear deal with Iran will be signed, the Iranian Regime forces and other Shiite affiliates will begin to militarily confront the coalition forces in various forms and terms in both Iraq and Syria; exactly the same as they did in 2003 onward in Iraq following the collapse of Saddam's regime.

M. Sirani                           10.03.2015

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