Thursday, March 6, 2014

Why the USA and EU Do Not Respond to the Leaked Lady Ashton's Phone Tapping?

The allegedely leaked phone conversation between Lady Ashton and Estonian Foreign Minister, Mr. Urman Paet, has taken place in 25 February, 2014. During this conversation Mr. Paet discusses a serious issue with Lady Ashton.

Mr Paet says to lady Ashton:
“There is now stronger and stronger understanding that behind the snipers, it was not Yanukovich, but it was somebody from the new coalition.”

The Estonian Foreign Ministry has confirmed the authenticity of this conversation. Given the fact that 88 innocent people were killed in the recent events in Ukraine, this brief information raises some important questions as follows.

1- Why the USA and EU officials have not discussed this important issue with the public?

2- Why the USA and EU officials do not respond to this phone conversation?

3- Why the USA and EU officials do not want to perform an investigation in this matter?

4- Why the USA and EU officials have closed their eyes to this Christal clear fact in Ukraine?

88 innocent people have been killed by sniper shots in Ukraine and someone from new coalition is behind this horrific event. Are you going to make a deal with such a coalition? and you are expecting that the international community believe what you are saying in the public events that you are supporting freedom and democracy? 

Millions of people around the world have seen this video clip and you cannot sweep it under the carpet. Today, you might close your eyes to this horrific event and do not talk about it. But one day, you will confess it in front of the whole world.This short note, however, does not mean that i'm supporting president Putin in Crimean Peninsula or the former Ukrainian President. I just want to say that the USA and EU have chosen wrong policy with regard to current tension in Ukraine. With this type of wrong policy, you are turning the world, once again into not only the Cold War era but also worse than that. You might wonder why worse than Cold War era. Simply, because, during the last 24 years (following the collapse of the Soviet Union) Russia has experienced lots of promises that the USA and EU did not keep.   

M. Sirani                             06.03.2014

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